<h1 style="text-align: center;"><span style="color: #c1dff3; font-size: 80px; font-weight: normal;">THIS IS </span><span style="color: #c30a30; font-size: 80px; font-weight: bold;">ME.</span></h1> <p><img class="size-medium wp-image-10097 aligncenter" src="https://www.posturaecambiamento.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/009_LOGO_CMYK_Tavola-disegno-1-copia-300x300.png" alt="" width="300" height="300" /></p>
I combined studies on the musculoskeletal system and biomechanics, particularly dedicated to postural aspects, with an interest in scientifically based psychosomatics (Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunology) and the bidirectional influences between body and mind.
I constantly update myself on evidences regarding REAL results obtained from practical application of the countless theories about care and well-being.
Accepting the need to live according to personal ways and needs, not the cultural or educational ones you was given, is a fundamental step for improvement.
The body’s messages such as pain, stiffness, states of anxiety are the unmistakable voice of neglect.
Giving body and mind, and therefore oneself, the space and attention they desire brings enormous and unexpected benefits.
I consider health to be built on the balance and interaction of many systems. The good functioning of one constitutes the physiological basis for the good functioning of the whole.
Body and mind are never wrong, they must be directed and guided without forcing towards the most effective expression of adaptation possible.
AIFIMM – Istituto Superiore di Posturologia Neuro-Mio-Fasciale – Genova, via Galata 6
Osteopathic visceral manipulation – integrated treatment with the Mézières Method
AIFIMM – Istituto Superiore di Posturologia Neuro-Mio-Fasciale – Genova, via Galata 6
Self-postures and group treatment: from proprioception to isometric and systemic stretching.
AIFIMM – Istituto Superiore di Posturologia Neuro-Mio-Fasciale – Genova, via Galata 6
Static and dynamic biomechanical postural examination, specific exercises and massages for harmonization and balancing of muscular forces. Isometric and eccentric, systemic and analytical works.
Centro Studi Synapsy – Bergamo, via G.B. Moroni 255
Massaggiatore Capo Bagnino degli Stabilimenti Idroterapici (MCB)
Therapeutic massage, connective tissue manipulation, functional bandaging and kinesiotaping, lymphatic drainage, physical therapies and support for the classic hydrotherapy activities of spa centres.
Association for Integrative Sciences
Master Life ltd – Londra, 34b York Way, UK
- “Master in applied integrative sciences” – Promote well-being, physiology, adaptation and development, practical methods and techniques to manage: anxiety and stress, emotional responses, psychosomatics, nutrition, behaviors and habits, choices and decisions, relational styles.
- “8-step protocol for emotions” – Theoretical bases and recent discoveries regarding emotions and their functioning to manage every aspect of emotional reactions (nervous, metabolic, mental, bodily, relational systems).
- “Isometric Emotions” – Acting at the origin of emotion and adaptation mechanisms (attack, flight, freeze, stress, pain, allostatic load, etc.) through movements and posture.
- “The central role of nutrition” – Knowing and managing the relationships between nutrition, behavior, emotions, psychosomatic disorders.
- “Brain Networks” – applied neuroscience, knowing exactly what happens to our brain, and how to support it, when it is under acute or chronic stress, when it experiences trauma or when moments of anxiety, anguish or depression are experienced. Practical and strategic applications to encourage change.